Carrot's Season

a Farming Simultor made with my own Custom Game Framework MayaCore and Java !   
MayaCore is a Private framework . I probebly wont publish it [Made in September 2022]


Farm , grow and Sell !
You Bought a House in a Big City . Congrats by the way 😄
and you have to pay the loan Obviously !
So you came back to your father's old farm . And you started growing some carrots to sell . You have to dig a hole for your seeds then you have to water them to grow (watch out sometimes crops go dry) .
sometime a guy with a truck comes . you can sell your carrots and buy new carrot seeds from him.

This game was made for CozyAutumn GameJam 2022 .
It needs Java 11 or Later to run [Install Java]


GamePlay Video